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I - Sticky Toes

Price: $19.99
  Product ID StickyToes
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Sticky Toes will help athletes perfect new skills much easier. Sticky Toes are designed to help the athlete realize when their feet are apart or together. Wonderful for Gymnastics, Tumbling and Cheer!

The straps are big enough to go around cheerleading shoes yet small enough to go around a young athlete’s bare foot. The hook/loop sticks together but also safely pulls apart, giving the athlete instant feedback when working skills where feet are required to stay together. The user can feel and hear the hook/loop separate! Sticky Toes are hand washable and a must have for every athlete in your gym! Made in China. Designed in the USA.
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Item # Description Price
STK-TOE Sticky Toes (one pair) $19.99
STK-TOEPKG10 Sticky Toes (ten pairs) $190
STK-TOEPKG20 Sticky Toes (twenty pairs) $378

"The real value of Sticky Toes is the immediate feedback they provide an athlete, by hearing as well as feeling, when the hook/loop separates. As a coach, I appreciate that I no longer have to constantly tell my gymnast their feet are apart" - Al Fong, GAGE

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